10:00 am Mass in Cantonese 彌撒 - 廣東話
11:15 am Mass in English 彌撒 - 英語
12:30 pm Mass in Mandarin 彌撒 - 普通話
The Canonese and Mandarin Masses will be livestreamed
Zoom ID: 744 012 2835 Passcode: 123456
Confession: please see priest before or after mass 告解 - 請在彌撒前後見神父
Children Sunday school - during school year 兒童主日學 - 在學年中進行
8:30 am student school mass Wednesday during school year
學生開課前彌撒 - 在學年中進行
Please contact Ms. Leung for details.
ESL classes on Sundays (free) - during school year
主日初級英語班(免費) - 在學年中進行
RCIA (baptism preparation classes) 主日慕道班
Mandarin Bible Study on Sundays 主日普通話聖經研習班
Cantonese Bible Study on Sundays 主日廣東話聖經研習班
Cantonese Choir practice on Sundays 主日廣東話詩歌班練唱
Please contact Ms. Leung for details. 請詢問梁老師
21 S. 13th St. Phila PA 19107 215-563-4145
Weekday Masses (lower church): 7:45, 12:05, 5:15
Sunday Masses (upper church): (Sat vigil) 5:15 PM, 8:30, 10:30, 12:30, 6:00 PM